Section: New Results
Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems
Participants : Bruno Sericola, Yann Busnel, Pierre L'Ecuyer.
Detection of distributed deny of service attacks. A Deny of Service (DoS) attack tries to progressively take down an Internet resource by flooding this resource with more requests than it is capable to handle. A Distributed Deny of Service (DDoS) attack is a DoS attack triggered by thousands of machines that have been infected by a malicious software, with as immediate consequence the total shut down of targeted web resources (e.g., e-commerce websites). A solution to detect and to mitigate DDoS attacks it to monitor network traffic at routers and to look for highly frequent signatures that might suggest ongoing attacks. A recent strategy followed by the attackers is to hide their massive flow of requests over a multitude of routes, so that locally, these flows do not appear as frequent, while globally they represent a significant portion of the network traffic. The term “iceberg” has been recently introduced to describe such an attack as only a very small part of the iceberg can be observed from each single router. The approach adopted to defend against such new attacks is to rely on multiple routers that locally monitor their network traffic, and upon detection of potential icebergs, inform a monitoring server that aggregates all the monitored information to accurately detect icebergs [36] . Now to prevent the server from being overloaded by all the monitored information, routers continuously keep track of the (among ) most recent high flows (modeled as items) prior to sending them to the server, and throw away all the items that appear with a small probability. Parameter is dimensioned so that the frequency at which all the routers send their last frequent items is low enough to enable the server to aggregate all of them and to trigger a DDoS alarm when needed. This amounts to compute the time needed to collect distinct items among frequent ones. A thorough analysis of the time needed to collect distinct items appears in [12] , [11] .
Stream Processing Systems. Stream processing systems are today gaining momentum as tools to perform analytics on continuous data streams. Their ability to produce analysis results with sub-second latencies, coupled with their scalability, makes them the preferred choice for many big data companies.
A stream processing application is commonly modeled as a direct acyclic graph where data operators, represented by nodes, are interconnected by streams of tuples containing data to be analyzed, the directed edges (the arcs). Scalability is usually attained at the deployment phase where each data operator can be parallelized using multiple instances, each of which will handle a subset of the tuples conveyed by the operators' ingoing stream. Balancing the load among the instances of a parallel operator is important as it yields to better resource utilization and thus larger throughputs and reduced tuple processing latencies. We have proposed a new key grouping technique targeted toward applications working on input streams characterized by a skewed value distribution [53] . Our solution is based on the observation that when the values used to perform the grouping have skewed frequencies, the few most frequent values (the heavy hitters) drive the load distribution, while the remaining largest fraction of the values (the sparse items) appear so rarely in the stream that the relative impact of each of them on the global load balance is negligible. We have shown, through a theoretical analysis, that our solution provides on average near-optimal mappings using sub-linear spaces in the number of tuples read from the input stream in the learning phase and the support (value domain) of the tuples. In particular this analysis presents new results regarding the expected error made on the estimation of the frequency of heavy hitters.
Randomized Message-Passing Test-and-Set. In [37] , we have presented a solution to the well-known Test&Set operation in an asynchronous system prone to process crashes. Test&Set is a synchronization operation that, when invoked by a set of processes, returns yes to a unique process and returns no to all the others. Recently, many advances in implementing Test&Set objects have been achieved. However, all of them target the shared memory model. In this paper we propose an implementation of a Test&Set object in the message passing model. This implementation can be invoked by any number of processes where is the total number of processes in the system. It has an expected individual step complexity in against an oblivious adversary, and an expected individual message complexity in . The proposed Test&Set object is built atop a new basic building block, called selector, that allows to select a winning group among two groups of processes. We propose a message-passing implementation of the selector whose step complexity is constant. We are not aware of any other implementation of the Test&Set operation in the message passing model.
Population Protocol Model. The population protocol model, introduced by Angluin and his colleagues in 2006, provides theoretical foundations for analyzing global properties emerging from pairwise interactions among a large number of anonymous agents. In the population protocol model, agents are modeled as identical and finite state machines, i.e each agent can be in a finite number of states while waiting to execute a transition. When two agents interact, they communicate their local state, and can move from one state to another according to a transition function. The ultimate goal of population protocols is for all the agents to converge to the same value. Examples of systems whose behavior can be modeled by population protocols range from molecule interactions of a chemical process to sensor networks in which agents, which are small devices embedded for instance in animals, interact each time two animals are in the same radio range.
In this work, we focus on a quite important related question. Namely, is there a population protocol that exactly counts the difference between the number of agents that initially set their state to and the one that initially set it to , and can it be solved in an efficient way, that is with the guarantee that each agent should converge to the exact value of after having triggered a sub-linear number of interactions in the size of the system [49] ?. We answer this question by the affirmative by presenting a -state population protocol that allows each agent to converge to the exact solution by interacting no more than times. The proposed protocol is very simple (as is true for most known population protocols), but is general enough to be used to solve different types of tasks.
Call centers. We develop research activities around the analysis and design of call centers, from a performance perspective. The effective management of call centers is a challenging task mainly because managers are consistently facing considerable uncertainty. Among important sources of uncertainty are call arrival rates which are typically time-varying, stochastic, dependent across time periods and across call types, and often affected by external events. Accurately modeling and forecasting future call arrival volumes is a complicated issue which is critical for making important operational decisions, such as staffing and scheduling, in the call center. In [20] we review the existing literature on modeling and forecasting call arrivals. We also develop in [58] customer delay predictors for multi-skill call centers that take as inputs the queueing state upon arrival and the waiting time of the last customer served. Barely any predictor currently exists for the multi-skill case. We introduce two new predictors that use cubic regression splines and artificial neural networks, respectively, and whose parameters are optimized (or learned) from observation data obtained by simulation.